Natural Ways to Cure a Headache
Headaches — they feel like your brain is crying out for help, but it’s not your brain that is hurting: It’s the area around your brain that is super sensitive. The sensory nerve fibers are called nociceptors that work as a cover between your skull and your brain. Headaches happen just about anywhere — work, the gym, weddings and in the privacy of your own home. There are a number of different reasons why they occur. (via Health Me Up) Get some rest. In some point in your life you’ve probably heard people say that you need to get your beauty sleep, but has anyone mentioned that getting sleep helps cure a headache? Life is busy; we all know that. You wake the kids up in the morning, pack the lunches, do the laundry, and many more mom duties just within the first 30 minutes of your day. Getting some shut eye is a great way to prevent headaches. About seven to eight hours of sleep is recommended. Remember, it takes two months for a habit to form, so get your sleep on. If you’re a night ow...